Dancers’ health

  /    /  Dancers’ health

Supporting the preparation of high-level artists

The health of our dancers is of paramount importance, not only to ensure that our shows run smoothly, but also to preserve the artists’ health capital. Malandain Ballet Biarritz has been a forerunner in this field for 10 years, with the introduction of long-term medical monitoring for its dancers.

This has helped to reduce the number of injuries because it prioritises prevention and the physical preparation of the dancers, in collaboration with the ballet masters and the choreographer. Scientific research into the specific pathologies of dancers has also been set up and shared with other institutions.

suivi médical des danseurs du Malandain Ballet Biarritz

How will your support be used?

Fund prevention that is not covered by social security by :
– increasing the number of hours spent by physical and mental preparation specialists: sports doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, relaxation therapists, etc.
– the purchase of equipment for physical preparation and prevention: muscle-strengthening equipment, cardio-respiratory equipment, cryotherapy, consumables such as elastic bands, etc.

Support for dancers from the medical team during tours: travel, accommodation and fees paid for preventive care.

Developing research and scientific publications as part of networks combining medical and choreographic expertise.


General Secretary

Jean-Baptiste COLOMBIE

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