Festival le Temps d’Aimer

  /    /  Festival le Temps d’Aimer

Artistic project

Founded in 1990 by Biarritz Culture, Le Temps d’Aimer, with Thierry Malandain as artistic director, brings Biarritz to the rhythm of dance for 10 days. With an international outlook and a keen eye on local creation, the festival welcomes ballets, big names in dance and up-and-coming names, and representatives of the various styles and aesthetics of dance, both in theatres and on outdoor stages. The festival is a generous meeting place for all forms of dance and the public. Attentive to the need to make dance accessible to as many people as possible, the festival has initiated a number of initiatives to bring dance to a wide range of audiences.

The festival now takes its eclecticism to stages all over the Basque Country, thanks to partnerships with the region’s cultural organisations, and continues to be the meeting place for cultural players in the New Aquitaine region, thanks to the organisation of professional days.

Committed to an eco-responsible transition, the festival is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and raising awareness of these issues among audiences and professionals alike.

Openness to all aesthetics and diversity through creations and works from the repertoire of international, national and New Aquitaine companies, as well as from the North and South Basque Country.

Favouring creation as a co-producer of new creations and hosting premieres by creating connections with other theatres and festivals, in a spirit of pooling resources and synergies.

The regular presence of works from the Repertoire and major forms, in particular through regular invitations to Ballets.

A showcase of “discoveries” with artists and companies programmed for the first time in France thanks to the Festival, in particular emerging talents.
Example: Final of the competition for young Ballet choreographers, created and organised by the Malandain Ballet Biarritz / Hosting the winners of the “Podium” competition co-organised by around twenty dance companies.

Promoting Basque culture, with a recurring event for the public and the profession.

A space reserved for “committed” choreographic expression on the issues of environmental conservation and the relationship with the living and the sensitive.

Dance all over the city, in its gardens and parks, along the ocean, in its cinemas and theatres… with performances, public rehearsals, meetings and happenings.

2021 programme

Companies hosted since the beginning

Jeune Ballet de France / Argia / Ballet de Madrid Victor Ullate / Les Ballets de Monte Carlo / Ballet National de Nancy / Ris et Danceries / Les Ballets du Kirov – Théâtre Marinsky / Ballet de l’Opéra de Bordeaux / Le Ballet de Francfort – William Forsythe / Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève / Dance Theater of Harlem / Ballet Jazz Art / Martin Padron Danse Théâtre / Compagnie Nomades / Serge Campardon & Florence Faure / Cie Ekarle – Mizel Theret / Compania nacional de danza Ballet Classique de Mexico / Cie Philippe Saire / Compagnia di Danza Teatro di Torino / Increpacion / Diez&diez danza / Cie Pendiente / Ballet national de Marseille Roland Petit / Ballet de l’Opéra de Wiesbaden / Béjart Ballet Lausanne / Cie Bubulus / Ballet de Saragosse / Senza Tempo / Cie Coline / Cie A fleur de peau / Nats Nus Dansa / Cie Genevieve Sorin / Ballet National de Norvège / Ballet de l’Opéra National de Paris / Cie Sol Pico / Cie Octubre Danza / Montalvo Hervieu / Damian Munoz Danza / Paulo Ribeiro / Cie Temps Présent / Cie Clara Andermatt / Malandain Ballet Biarritz / Hush Hush Hush / Boston Ballet / Ballet national de l’Opéra de Mexico / Cie Abbondanza Bertoni / Junior Ballet Conservatoire / Cie Myriam Doodge / Lanonima imperial / Geneviève Sorin / Cie le Grain / Cie Revêtement mural / Cie Robinson / Têtes d’affiche / Lunion / Barcelona Addictos / Greemlin’s / Scottish Ballet / Ballet de Floride / Ballet argentin / Cie Tooththpick – Tero Saarinen / Nuevo Ballet Espagnol / Cie ChoréOnyx – Bruce Taylor / Cie Lionel Hoche / Chantier Théâtre / Les Saltindanses / Philippe Tréhet / CCN de Caen et Basse Normandie – Karine Saporta / CCN Ballet Preljocaj / Ballet du Capitole / CCN Ballet du Nord – Maryse Delente / CCN de Rilleux la Pape – Maguy Marin / Maritzuli / Black Blanc Beur / Paul les Oiseaux / Quat’Zarts / CCN Brumachon – Lamarche / Cie Mi octobre / Cie Annette Leday / Androphyne / Kubilai Khan Investigations / Schpouki Rolls / Cie Olivier Bodin / Cie Choream / Singapore Dance Theater / Ballet de l’Opéra National de Lyon / Alias Cie / Galili Dance / Cie l’Eventail / Cie Cave Canem / Cie l’Hélice – Myriam Naisy / Cie Europa Danse / Cie Erika la Quica / Cie Faizal Zeghoudi / Cie Vendaval / Ballet de la parenthèse / Lili Catharsis / Elirale / Rambert Dance Company / Ballet de l’Opéra de Zurich / Cie Pernette / Ana Yerno & Guillaume de Chassy / Carré Blanc cie / Cie Pedro Pauwels / Balletto di Puglia / Cie Ariadone / Cie Hors Série / Eric Oberdorf / Cie Mutine / Cie Grimaldi / Cie France David / Cie la bulle se dévoile / Cie Véronique Abat / Les Ballets Grandiva / Cie Anne Marie Porras / Cie Enfin le jour-Thierry Escarmant / Balletto dell esperia / Storm / Christine Bastin / NGC 25 Hervé Maigret / Cie de la Bulle / Cie Lullaby / Cie Ektos – Jeen Christophe Boclé / Cie Marouchka – Francis Plisson / Cie Georges Momboye / CCN Ballet de Lorraine / English National Ballet / Aspen Santa Fe Ballet / Cie la Baraque / Tango Sumo / Cie Hervé Koubi / Cie Biwa-Christine Rougier / Cie Lua – Diniz Sanchez / Maria Pili / Groupe Chorégraphique Contemporain Sébastien Perrault / Aterballeto / Asami Maki Ballet Tokyo / Compania Nacional de Danza 2 / Cie Gelabert Azzopardi / Cruceta Ballet Flamenco / Teresa Nieto en Compania / Piramid / Cie Kelemenis / Groupe Grenade – Josette Baiz / Shua Group / Scapino Ballet Rotterdam / Cie Antonio Gades / Cie Nacional de Bailado / Cie Sociedada Masculina / Israel Galvan / SNG – Maribor Ballet / Accrorap / L’Explose / Jean Tamba – 5ème dimension / Kukai Dantza / Aracaladanza / Cie ciento cincuenta cuerdas – Blanca Arrieta / Ertza – Asier zabaleta/ Groupe Bernard Menaut / Beau Geste / Garaztarrak / Ballet de l’Opéra de Bâle / Cia Eva Yerbabuena / cie Irène Tassembedo / Cie Nayika -Rukmini Chatterjee / Pockemon Crew / Miguel Robles / Aukeran / Thomas Noone / Matxalen Bilbao / Organik / Bale da ciudad de Sao Paulo / Jant Bi – Germaine Acogny / Kiev Modern Ballet / Ballet de l’Opéra de Macédoine / Aida Gomez / Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance / Emanuel Gat Dance / Cie de danse Hallet Eghayan / Josef Nadj – Dominique Mercy / Cie Urbana de Dança Suite Funk / Mad – Sylvain Groud / Cie l’Adret David Rodrigo – Gael Bovio / Cie Le cri du pied / Les associés Crew Babacar Cissé / Le Fanfare Ballet / Retouramont / Dansk Danse Teater / Corella Ballet castilla y Leon / Nederlands Dans Theater 1 / Le Guetteur – Luc Petton & cie / Gotra Ballet / Pneuma Dance Teater / Vilacanota – Brunot Pradet / Cie Blicke Virginia Heinen & Enrico Tedde / Ex Nihilo / KD dance-Kirsten Debrock / Cie Marie-Laure Agrapart / Russell Maliphant Company / Trisha Brown Company / Système Castafiore / Andres Marin / Spellbound Dance Company / La Intrusa Danza / Marion Lévy – Cie Didascalie / Cie Lanabel / Cie Akoma Névé / Cie Eclats / Cie Yvann Alexandre / Cie Nacera Belaza / Act2- Compagnie Catherine Dreyfus / Carte Blanche – Compagnie Nationale Norvégienne de Danse Contemporaine / Cie La Baraka -Abou Lagraa / Pierre Rigal – Cie Dernière Minute / Ballet d’Europe / Cie Yann Lheureux / Cie Chantier / Compagnie Seo / Cie The Guests – Yuval Pick / Cie Guillaume Bordier / Cie Illico-Thomas Lebrun / Cie Ambra Senatore / Cie Contrepoint / Cie Etant donné / Cie Fabian Thomé / Cie Myriam Soulanges / Cie Eco / SOS Danse / Dutch National Ballet/ Batsheva Dance Company / Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen/Basse-Normandie – Héla Fattoumi & Eric Lamoureux / Introdans / Balleto Teatro di Torino / Cie Gilschamber / Compania Nacional Del Ecuador / Ando Danse / Cie Amala Dianor / Cie Daniel Linehan / Cie Julien Lestel / Cie Die Donau – Andréa Sitter / Cie Divergences / Cie Affari Esteri / Co&Ciedanse / Le Grand Jeté / Cie Gilles Baron / Christine Hassid Project / VM Dance / Cie Adequate / Olivier Dubois / Ballet de Nuremberg / Samir Calixto Dance/ Fêtes Galantes -Béatrice Massin / Dantzaz Konpainia / Opinion public / Paco Décina / Noé Soulier / Cie Epiderme / DANS6T / Foofwa d’Imobilité / Stonny Boys / Cie Annabelle Pulcini / Cie Sun a Lee / Ballet Royal de Flandre / La Coma / Mercedez Ruiz / Cie Tabea Martin / Cie Betula Lenta – Maxence Rey / Cie Dance development – Anu Sistonen / Frédéric Werlé / Cie Samuel Mathieu / Cie Entresols / Cie Lasala / Ballet Junior de Genève / Cie Mouvements perpetuels – Salia Sanou / Cie Rojas y Rodriguez / Compania Nacional de Danza / Ultima Vez – Wim Vandekeybus / Elephant in the Black Box – Jean-Philippe Dury / CNDC Angers –Robert Swinston / Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh -Le Phare – CCN du Havre Haute Normandie / Anne Nguyen / Bilaka / Cie Hors Contexte / Cie la Tierce / Hofesh Shechter Company / le Ballet de l’Opéra National du Rhin / CCN de la Rochelle -Kader Attou / Nicolas le Riche & Clairemarie Osta / Théatro Fisico / Cie Roy Assaf / Cie Lucie Eidenbenz / Cie Illicite -Fabio Lopez / Andréa Bescond / Cie Liminal -Aurélien Richard / Cie InbilicoLuigia Riva / Cie Rêvolution – Anthony Egea / Cie Manso’O’Bigi / Zarena Zarelako / Cie Manifeste / CCN Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble – Rachid Ouramdane / Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company / Ballet Nice Méditerranée / Groupe Emile Dubois/Cie Jean-Claude Gallotta / Martin Harriague / Sine Qua Non Art / Compania de Danza de Bogota / Naif Production / Arno Schuitmaker / Dunja Jocic / Cie Traversée / CCNR – Yuval Pick / Stephen Shropshire / Oona Doherty / Marco d’Agostin / Eastman – Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Alessandro Bernardeschi & Mauro Paccagnella / Kabinet K / Rafaela Carrasco / Hillel Kogan / Collectif Eflirkoa / Patrice de Benedetti / Compania David Coria / Danish Dance Theatre / CCN Caen de Normandie – Alban Richard / Amos Ben Tal – Offprojects / Andrew Skeels / Faso danse théâtre – Serge Aimé Coulibaly / Dyptik / Cie MF – Maxime & Francesco / Cie Wejna / Cie Marécage / Cie SO.K / Myriam Perez Cazabon / La Rutan / Université du Mouvement / Collectif la Horde -Ballet National de Marseille / L’octogonale / Nach Van Van Dance Company / Roy Assaf Dance / Compagnie Massala / Marie-Agnès Gillot – Andrés Marín – Christian Rizzo / Cie Antonin Comestaz / MA Compagnie – Marc Lacourt / Ziomara Hormaetxe Company / Akira Yoshida / Bilaka / Cie Balkis Moutashar / Cie Node / Led Silhouette / Cie Ecrire un mouvement / Thierry Escarmant / Cie Hervé Robbe / CCN de Nantes / Ambra Senatore / Chrystel Guillebeaud / Lucia Lacarra et Matthew Golding / Ballet de l’Opéra Théâtre de Metz Metropole / Amaia Elizaran / Compagnie Mazel Freten / CCN Ballet de l’Opéra National du Rhin / Bruno Bouché

Festival de danse le Temps d'Aimer


Production Administrator


General Secretary

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