
  /  Repertoire  /  Magifique




  • 12th December 2009 at the Teatro Victoria Eugenia of San Sebastián


  • for the 40e anniversary of the Fondation de France. commissioned by the Opéra Théâtre of Saint-Etienne, production presented with the Orchestre Symphonique of Saint-Etienne on the 30th and 31st of december 2009


  • Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski


  • Thierry Malandain

Décor et costumes

  • Jorge Gallardo

Direction de la production, conception lumière

  • Jean-Claude Asquié

Composition additionnelle

  • Nicolas Dupéroir

Réalisation costumes

  • Véronique Murat

Réalisation des Masques

  • Annie Onchalo


  • Opéra Théâtre of Saint-Etienne, Teatro Victoria Eugenia of San Sebastián, Grand Théâtre of Reims, Malandain Ballet Biarritz


  • Très Tôt Théâtre de Quimper • Musique et Danse in Loire Atlantique


  • for 18 dancers


  • 80 minutes

Note of intent

Since all performances are nourished by the experiences that they invent, Magifique, created on the orchestral suites The Nutcraker, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake of Tchaïkovski, presents itself as a link between the past and the present, like a hyphen that links reality and imagination. With a setting for a country that could be anywhere, it could be a story where the heroes and their childhood selves go through a series of trials, wandering around countries guarded by magnified shadows. No talisman, but mirrors apable of revealing dance and childhood memories under « the magic wand of the art. »
Thierry Malandain


Drawn form his personal remembrances, nourished by the music of Tchaïkovski, Malandain has produced one of his most beautiful creations : for each of Tchaïkovski’s suites, the choreographer has matched fragments of memories, revealing the recessed portrait of a learned man Simple and efficient. […] Thierry Malandain transcends his body language, quite a classical one finally, to reinvent himself through his memories. […] That is really « magifique ».
Les Echos, Philippe Noisette • 17th December 2009
With Magifique, Thierry Malandain steps forward ansd shows his maturity and constancy in his choreographic line which feeds on classicism without ignoring contemporary trends. […] The performance was halfway between the magic of ballet and the splendor of three fairytales marvelously interpreted by the Malandain Ballet Biarritz.
El Diario Vasco, Iratxe de Arantzibia • 13th December 2009
The perfect groups are the image of a sucessful symbiosis from which the dancers can escape to express their individuality with volupty. …] What remains is Malandain’s thoughts for an hour and a half about the magic of dance, a delicate piece of poetry whose cracks are gracefully expressed. A never-ending ovation acclaimed the excellent troupe, but also the spirirt of the work which kept resounding for a long time in a theater whose all seats were occupied.
Generalanzeiger Bonn, Elisabeth Einecke-Klövekorn • 5th Jauary 2010
Inventinve games and a body language that knows its classics while still feeling free to use a cheerful freedom in both duets and groups. However, it would be a simple exercise in style or pure fun if the choreographer moving allusions to his « I » did not hide there to be discovered. From the child dazzled by fairy tales, to the adult relishing the magic of « I remmeber ». Both united by the same faith in the « magifique » power of creation.
Danser, Isabelle Calabre • February 2010

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